DFS, London Road, High Wycombe

Investment - Sold

DFS, London Road, High Wycombe




• High Wycombe is an affluent south east commuter town located approximately 28 miles west of central London.

• A 20 minute drive time catchment population of 321,295 with 66.9% of households within A, B or C1 demographic groups, well above the national level of 53%.

• The property is situated in the established retail warehouse and trade location for the town on the busy A40 London Road, with Wycombe Retail Park, B&Q, Halfords and the former Homebase, shortly to be Lidl, close by.

• Strong trading performance.

• Freehold.

• A modern, high specification 17,653 sqft unit with excellent visibility to the traffic on London Road, with dedicated access, servicing and parking. • Securely let to DFS Trading Ltd, on assignment from DSG Retail Ltd, with both companies rated 100, Very Low Risk, by Experian.

• The passing rent of £457,470 pa equates to £25.91 per sqft.

• WAULT of approximately 7.75 years with no breaks.

Net Initial Yield


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